The wind still is blowing across the bay. Usually it sets down in early June but this year it keep blowing across East Matagorda Bay. The Sargent Ecosystem is ready for this and has received some much needed rain over the last few weeks.
The greater Sargent Texas ecosystem is part of incredible fish habitat in and about East Matagorda Bay. East Matagorda Bay is surrounded by a vast pristine and mostly intact ecosystem and watershed which consist of a coastal prairie, sandy and muddy beaches, and the old growth forest called the “Columbia Bottomlands”. Sargent is on Caney Creek a small river watershed is a the one of the main sources of the fresh water that enters the Eastern part East Matagorda Bay
East Matagorda Bay has diverse fish habitat. There is plenty of crabs, small bait-fish and shrimp who live is the bays grass fields and oyster reefs for the giant trout and red fish to eat and grow on. Giant Speckled Trout have been caught and released. Media Sargent and East Matagorda Bay have no chemical plants, no industry, no aquaculture, and very limited road access . The mixing of salt water and fresh water has created the complex ecosystem rich with fish.
Sargent Fact: Sargent is surrounded by “Old Growth Forest“. The Colombian Bottomlands.
Sargent is in the middle of one of the biggest “Old Growth Forest” southern preservation efforts in the United States?
“The Columbia Bottom Lands”
This is a system of old growth forest and slow meandering fresh water mixing with saltwater it creates what biologist call a convergence zone. The Zone surrounds the greater Sargent ecosystem and East Matagorda Bay. That life zone which includes Coastal Prairie, Old Growth Oak Forest, Oyster reefs, large intact underwater grass beds, and small freshwater rivers. These systems create a great habitat and spawning grounds for fish, water birds, shrimp and many other animals. Over 26,000 acres of old growth forest have been preserved so far in this effort. Some of the largest last stands of “Old Growth Forest” in the southern United States are in the Greater Sargent Ecosystem.
Sargent Fact: Caney Creek was once the Mouth of Colorado River.
Charley out on boat teaching kids how to shrimp.
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