
Sargent Fire Department BBQ Cook Off

  • April 28, 2015
Sargent Fire Department BBQ Cook Off

Sargent Texas News: Sargent Fire Department Great but cook-off last week. A great annual event for Sargent  and the Sargent Fire department plays such a central roll in the protection of Sargent Texas. We thank all of them and support from the Sargent community is widespread.  You can always donate money to them but do it directly at the fire station. Sargent News will donate money to this great cause. Not only does the Sargent Fire Department provide Fire services to the Sargent Area they also provide EMS services to the people of Sargent. Dial 911 for emergency.        


Sargent news report November 2014

  • November 8, 2014
Sargent news report November 2014

Sargent News Fishing Report East Matagorda Bay Fall 2014 Sarent news and fall fishing report for Novemeber 2014. Redfish and flounder action really heating up around Mitchell's cut and East Matagorda Bay.  This Sargent News report says come now! The fishing great. The first week in November has brought three cool  fronts acros East Matagorda Bay which have lowered the water temperature. Bring you fishing pole and get in on the action.  For Trout use Popping Cork. Croaker dead shrimp. Redfish live mullet. Fishing with the Family is really easy this year because Croaker, Texas Flounder and Redfish...


Lots of BBQ this weekend in Sargent, Texas

  • August 27, 2014
Lots of BBQ this weekend in Sargent, Texas

Sargent BBQ cookoff this weekend. Many contestants compete at the Fire Station.


Wind Conditions catching more fish on Bay

  • July 10, 2014
Wind Conditions catching more fish on Bay

Wind Conditions Catching  more fish East Matagorda Bay. Wind Conditions can really affect the way we catch more fish around Sargent, Texas. Because of the shallow water conditions and the proximity to the Gulf of Mexico it is important to have some wind fishing strategies.


Shrimp and other bait in Good Supply for Sargent, Texas

  • July 9, 2014
Shrimp and other bait in Good Supply for Sargent, Texas

Live bait was in good supply over last few days in Sargent and East Matagroda Bay.


Swing Bridge Sargent Texas Slammed by Barge

  • May 24, 2014
Swing Bridge Sargent Texas Slammed by Barge

Swing Bridge Sargent Texas is the last of it's kind in the State of Texas. It was slammed by Barge Yesterday. Sting Ray Marina is still open so go have a nice lunch and watch them repair bridge. Ferry service is available to the Island on a limited basis. Video!


Speckled Trout limit cut in half for Sargent Texas area starting September 1, 2014?

  • May 10, 2014

Begging later this year Sargent and all of Matagorda Bay will have new Trout limits imposed by Texas Parks and Wildlife. Right now the Sargent Area is know for the largest trout on the coast. These trout are solo Trout and roam the bay alone. Schooling trout are smaller and help increase the population in general.


Fall fishing Sargent Tx

  • November 6, 2013
Fall fishing Sargent Tx

Sargent Texas- Shrimp

  • July 31, 2013
Sargent Texas- Shrimp

Plenty of Fresh Shrimp in Sargent texas  


Near Record Croaker Giant Croaker invades Sargent.

  • June 19, 2013
Near Record Croaker Giant Croaker invades Sargent.

Seg caught near Texas State Records Croaker. Her Croaker weighed 4.7 lbs on the nose and Texas, State, Record, Croaker is 5+ lbs. Croaker caught and releases in East Matagorda Bay. Right near Sargent Texas. Croaker was a really pretty fish.