Home » Chisholm Cattle Trail
NNNNNJust north of town are rare remnants of the vast intact coastal grasslands. These grasslands were once part of the historic Chisholm trail and stretch north of the Bay all the way to Kansas.NN NSasSargent Texas and it’s surrounding area just North of East Matagorda Bay are the last great intact piece of the Great coastal and inland Prairie that is still in its natural state which is part of the old Chisholm Trail.
Historically these grass pathways (The Chisholm Trail) where used to run cattle up though these greenbelts from the great ranches along the Texas Coast to the rail depots in Northern Texas and Southwestern Kansas. Many of these parts of the trail resemble the great grasslands of central Texas.
These feed-ways are why these Chisholm trails were formed because cattle would eat the grass as they traveled and along the rivers and creeks they would stay fat good for market.
(Click historic map below to see trail to Sargent)
Many of these areas north of Sargent have been changed by modern development.
The Greater Sargent Ecosystem is that one of the last intact Texas Prairie ranges. This open prairie area purifies wetlands and freshwater before enters East Matagorda Bay. Austin’s Woods surrounds Sargent and a new preserved area is called “Dance Bayou” which is West of West Columbia. Many Biologist are saying these woods in the Greater Sargent Ecosystem some of the largest Old Growth Forest left in the South.

This prairie and woodland is the perfect setting for wildlife such as The endangered red wolf, deer, ducks, birds, endangered birds of all kinds, hogs, large cats, fox,coyote and many other animals.

Biggest White Oak in the State of Texas
So Close to Houston yet still so wild.